Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Z 10 -- T 24 (No. 30402)

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title (from model sheet) Z 10 -- T 24
subtitle Niszczyciel / destroyer Z 10 -- Torpedowiec / torpedo boat T 24
German translation Deutscher Zerstörer Z-10 (Hans Lody), Flottentorpedoboot T24
Category: Navigation - propeller (navy)   destroyer
Category: Navigation - propeller (navy)   torpedo boat (and smaler)
Designerinfo    Adam Werka (Painter titlepicture)
Designerinfo    Mirosław Czołczyński (Construction + Graphics)
publisherinfo    Wydawnictwo JSC (Gdánsk 5 Oliwa, Poland)
Other publisher name (alias) JSC
Bibliograph. data
Year of publication  2016
period of publishing  2001 - ... (Current era, internet boom)
Name of the series  Mikroflota (No. 2016/14)
Publisher/Order no. 0031
Information about the original
Name/Class of ship  Wikipedia Elbing-class (Flottentorpedoboot 1939)
Other ships in this class T 22 .. T 36 (15 Einheiten o.Nr.)
Years of commission of the class 1939
Comments Zerstörer/Torpedoboot
Ship registered in   Germany (1919 - 1945)
Name/Class of ship  Wikipedia Zerstörer 1934/1934A-class
Other ships in this class Z 1 Leberecht Maass, Z 2 Georg Thiele, Z 3 Max Schultz, Z 4 Richard Beitzen, Z 5 Paul Jacobi, Z 6 Theodor Riedel, Z 7 Hermann Schoemann, Z 8 Bruno Heinemann, Z 9 Wolfgang Zenker, Z 10 Hans Lody, Z 11 Bernd von Arnim, Z 12 Erich Giese, Z 13 Erich Koellner, Z 14 Friedrich Ihn, Z 15 Erich Steinbrinck, Z 16 Friedrich Eckoldt
Years of commission of the class 1934 - 1937
Comments Zerstörer

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