Title/Category/Designer |
title (from model sheet) | | трактор МТЗ-80, СССР, 1974 г. |
German translation | | Traktor MTZ-80, UdSSR, 1974, mit Anhänger |
Category: Vehicles - road | | tractors, road rollers, wheel loader, ... |
Category: Vehicles - road | | trailers, containers, payload |
Designer | | Arthur Rjumin (Construction + Graphics) |
publisher | | Видавництво "Орел" (Херсон [Cherson], Ukraine) |
Other publisher name (alias) | | Издательство "Орёл" |
Bibliograph. data |
Year of publication | | um 2011 |
period of publishing | | 2001 - ... (Current era, internet boom) |
Name of the series | | Zivile Fahrzeuge - гражданская техника |
Publisher/Order no. | | 088 |
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