Title/Category/Designer |
title (from model sheet) | | Admiral Lewczenko |
title (from cover) | | Rosyjski Niszczyciel Rakietowy Typu Udałoj |
additional title (above) | | Rosyjski Niszczyciel Rakietowy |
German translation | | Raketenzerstörer Admiral Lewczenko |
Category: Navigation - propeller (navy) | | destroyer |
Designer | | Andrzej Domadzierski (Construction) |
Designer | | Rafal Ciechanowski (Hist./Desc.) |
publisher | | Andrzej Halinski (Stegna, Poland) |
Bibliograph. data |
Year of publication | | 1995 |
period of publishing | | 1981 - 2000 (stagnation of card modeling) |
Name of the series | | Kartonowy Arsenal (No. 1995/07-08) |
Information about the original |
Name/Class of ship | | Udaloy-class (Projekt 1155, Fregat) |
Other ships in this class | | Udaloi, Wize-Admiral Kulakow, Marschal Wassiljewski, Admiral Sacharow, Admiral Spiridonow, Admiral Tribuz, Marschal Schaposchnikow, Seweromorsk, Admiral Lewtschenko, Admiral Winogradow, Admiral Charlamow, Admiral Pantelejew, Admiral Tschabanenko |
Years of commission of the class | | 1979 - 1988 |
Comments | | Zerstörer |
Ship registered in | | Soviet Union (1918 - 1991) |
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