Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

AGK at Intermodellbau 2021

After a long pause and multiple cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic an Intermodellbau fair took place in Dortmund in November 2021. From 2021-11-17 to 2021-11-20 modelers from all parts of Germany and from abroad met in the fairgrounds. Observing current Corona rules – buy tickets in advance, 3G rule, check of certificates and identification papers – a broad spectrum of modeling activities could be shown. The AGK had 2 booths in hall 8 where you could also meet active modelers.

Axel Huppers, Lother Süß and Stefan Ropers manned the AGK booth. The uncontested focus of the booth was the marble run: 1.50 meters high, uild exclusively from modeling cardboard and including branches, alternative routes, loopings ... the lot. Heiko Schinke was at the sales booth to offer AGK publications as well as model sheets left to the AGK from inheritances.

The first three days not many visitors found their way to the fair, but on Saturday it was the usual full house, including occasional crowding in spite of wider aisles. Overall the fair had fewer visitors than in previous years, certainly a tribute to the pandemic situation. We sincerely hope that no visitors caught any virus other than the “modeling virus”.

Here are a few impressions from the AGK booths:

AGK sales booth - Intermodellbau Dortmund 2021   AGK sales booth - Intermodellbau Dortmund 2021   AGK sales booth - Intermodellbau Dortmund 2021
AGK association booth - Intermodellbau Dortmund 2021   AGK association booth - Intermodellbau Dortmund 2021   AGK association booth - Intermodellbau Dortmund 2021   AGK association booth - Intermodellbau Dortmund 2021  


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