Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

AGK - About our association

The main purpose of our association is to further the research of the history of card modeling. Accordingly, this determines the activity of our association. Are you interested in this field of research? Or do you want to know more about us and what we do? In that case we invite you to browse our web pages. The following links lead you directly to additional information about our association:

Information about the AGK

Our main activity: Knowledge transfer through publications

Other activities of the AGK

Are you interested to contribute?


Logo AGK

Home page and card model database of the AGK
Copyright © AGK & Heiko Schinke, 2006-2024 === Version 11.8 of 2024-08-23
In case of problems with this website please contact Heiko Schinke (
or phone him at +49-341-9959-692 (office) or +49-3461-4415494 (home)

Member of International List of Scale Model Related Web Sites