Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Imprint and contact

This page contains information for provider identification and important legal information about the web presence of the AGK and its card model database which are accessible at these web addresses (domains/URLs):

The information and service provider for the domains listed above is: 'Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.'
Authorized committee members: Dr. Heiko Schinke (Chair), Thomas Deina, Lorenz Düster, Andreas Fausten, Bernd Kothera
The association is registered at: Handelsregistergericht in Stuttgart
by the registration no.: VR 211579

Postal address and contact:
Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.
c/o Dr. Heiko Schinke
Schulstraße 3
06237 Leuna

Are you interested to join our association in order to participate in our research and publishing activity? If so, you will find all necessary information on our page How to become a member of the AGK.

Terms of use

The AGK takes due diligence to provide accurate and current information on its website and publications. However, we cannot completely rule out errors and ambiguity. Therefore, the AGK cannot take responsibility for the immediacy, correctness, completeness and quality of the information provided. We will not be held responsible for material and immaterial damage caused, directly or indirectly, by using or not using this information or by using incorrect or incomplete information. The AGK reserves the right to change, expand or remove parts of or all of this wen service without explicit notice, and to withdraw its publication temporarily or permamently.

To be held responsible for 'foreign contents', made accessible, for example, by direct or indirect web links to other web sites and providers, requires positive knowledge that this foreign content contains information that is illegal or liable to prosecution. 'Foreign contents' are marked on our website adequately. The AGK has no influence on 'foreign contents' and explicitly declares that it does not support any views and information provided there.

A lot of the detailed information on this website is the result of years of research by AGK members. Therefore parts of the information are only accessible to AGK members and acknowledged friends and partners.

In particular we ant to stress that the contents of the database provided at the domains listed above are protected by §§ 4 and 87 UrhG (Urheberrechtsgesetz, German copyright act) in Germany and worldwide. Any use in any form and format is forbidden unless the AGK has given its consent expressly and in writing.

Notes about sales from estates

The AGK does not have a commercial online shop. You can buy our publications through the shops listed here. However, sometimes we receive card model sheets as a gift or from legal estates with the provision to sell them and add the revenue to our association's balance. Our cancellation policy applies to these and other sales. For further information about such sales please see our publications page.
Any disputes arising from these special sales activities will be negotiated exclusively and strictly as laid down in the Online Dispute Resolution of the European Commission. You can access these rules at .

Responsible persons according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Website creation and editor of the "Zur Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus" magazine:
Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.
c/o Dr. Heiko Schinke
Schulstraße 3
06237 Leuna

Software used and credits

Software used

We thank the authors for the articles they wrote and all the good people out there who provided information and documents.
We also want to thank members and non-members for their hints, corrections and improvement recommendations. This project would be impossible without the help of many.


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Home page and card model database of the AGK
Copyright © AGK & Heiko Schinke, 2006-2024 === Version 11.8 of 2024-08-23
In case of problems with this website please contact Heiko Schinke (
or phone him at +49-341-9959-692 (office) or +49-3461-4415494 (home)

Member of International List of Scale Model Related Web Sites