Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Documents and Information about card modeling

This page is a collection of documents and other information concerned with anything in the large domain of card modeling. This page is bound to grow over time – so please stay curious and drop by regularly!
For members of the AGK there is another page in the members' area with documents that are not, for various reasons, publicly accessible.

The history of the in-house publications of “cfm-Verlag”

The editions of the cfm-Verlag's in-house publications, which appeared from 1994 onwards, provide a clear picture of the developments in the cardboard model scene, the technical developments, and of course the development of the "cfm-Verlag" itself over the almost thirty years of their publication.
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Exhibition catalogue: "Ondřej Hejl: Architecture" (2021)

On the occasion of Ondřej Hejl's 20th anniversary as a designer, an exhibition of his models was held in the Museum of Cardboard Models in Police nad Metují. A brochure has also been published in Czech, which the AGK is allowed to offer here in a German translation (edited by Bernd Kothera) for download with the permission of the authors. Included in the booklet is a previously unpublished model sheet.
Show document (katalog-ondrej-hejl-architektur_2021.pdf), file size: 32 MBytes

Hilde Wulff: Allerlei Papierarbeiten

Band 5 der Reihe "Kleine Beschäftigungsbücher für Kinderstube und Kindergarten; Erwachsen aus dem Arbeitskreis des Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Hauses", Das vorliegende Heftchen ist ein Scan der 9. Auflage, erschienen 1941 im B.G. Teubner Verlag in Leipzig
Show document (allerlei-papierarbeiten-teubner-1941.pdf), file size: 10 MBytes

Anonymous: Winterzeitvertreib oder Anweisung zum Modelliren ..., Kunsthändler Dreyßig, Halle, about 1802

[Winter pastimes, or instructions to modeling …, published by Mr Dreyßig, purveyor of arts; German text] "... with cardboard, straw and paper and other materials, wherewith children can manufacture diverse toys like hunts, gardens, parades of the guards, tables, chairs and other things." This book is partially a plagiarism of "Heinrich Rockstroh: Anweisung zum Modellieren aus Papier..." [the art of modeling various objects from paper], a book from 1802. See the article in "Zur Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus", vol. 20 (2020) by Felix Oppenhoff.(see overview).
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Heinrich Rockstroh: "Anweisung zum Modelliren aus Papier ...", Verlag des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, Weimar 1802

"... oder aus demselben allerley Gegenstände im Kleinen nachzuahmen. Ein nützlicher Zeitvertreib für Kinder". A plagiarism was printed from this 1st edition of this book (see document above). The 2nd. edition from 1810 with the title "Heinrich Rockstroh: Die Kunst, mancherlei Gegenstände aus Papier zu formen" was reprinted in 2008 by the AGK.
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Der Säemann - Monatsschrift für pädagogische Reform, IV. Jahrgang 1908, B.G. Teubner Leipzig

Der "Säemann" wurde herausgegeben von der "Hamburger Lehrervereinigung für die Pflege der künstlerischen Bildung". Hier sind 2 kurze "Leserbriefe" enthalten, abgedruckt auf S. 29/30 und 391/392 des IV. Jahrganges 1908, welche positiv über die Reihe der "Künstler-Modellierbogen" des B.G.Teubner Verlages berichten.
Show document (der-saemann-teubner-1908.pdf), file size: 2 MBytes

Literature on the history of card models (collated by Dieter Nievergelt)

A comprehensive overview of literature concerned with card modeling, models, publishers and designers, modeling instructions etc.
Show document (literatur_kartonmodellbau.pdf), file size: 88 KBytes

Printing methods for card models (collated by Dieter Nievergelt)

An overview of printing methods used in producing card model sheets, from the very beginnings to today, including their most important characteristics.
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