20. International Card Modeling Convention
Lectures and congratulations to Dr. Stölting
Bremerhaven, April 26 to 27, 2008 (photos by H. Schinke)
see also: Exhibition and publishers' award, photos by M. Wagtendonk
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Lectures (9 photos)
The lectures usually have a large audience. Not only card modelers and shipbuilding historians are present, publishers also are there to present their latest publications. The following pictures show some modelers with their models; first, however, we have a few pictures of Dr. Stölting opening the convention.
Congratulations to Dr. Stölting for organizing 20 conventions (6 photos)
Many lecturers took the chance to congratulate Dr. Stölting for hosting 20 International Card Modeling Conventions. The next pictures show impressions of that. There was a lot of applause and standing ovations for Dr. Stölting.
Heinrich Rockstroh puts in a personal appearance to congratulate (12 photos)
The AGK thought of something special to congratulate: Our chairman Dieter Nievergelt, in the mask of Heinrich Rockstroh, gave a humorous review of 20 years of conventions in Bremerhaven (see this PDF (170 kB) for the text and image captions). There are a lot of gifts lined up for Dr. Stölting – unfortunately all of them have some fault. Except the last one: The first copy of the reprinted book Heinrich Rockstroh: "Die Kunst, mancherlei Gegenstände aus Papier zu formen" of 1810. For more information about the book see the overview about publications of the AGK.