Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

20. International Card Modeling Convention

Lectures and congratulations to Dr. Stölting
Bremerhaven, April 26 to 27, 2008 (photos by H. Schinke)
see also: Exhibition and publishers' award, photos by M. Wagtendonk

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Ausstellung von Modellen (14 photos)
There were many additional tables placed in the museum exhibition where modelers could present the models they built. Model print collectors could present their collections and trade model sheets. The pictures give an impression of all this. Of course the AGK also had a booth (see the first image) and invited interested vistors to have a full and unrestricted look into the card model database. The publications of the AGK also found an interested audience.
Publishers' Award (4 photos)
Again the publishers have donated an award. The visitors of the museum were asked to vote for the best card model. The winners were nominated at the end of the convention on Sunday; non-monetary bonuses were given to the participating modelers.


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