Finding Card Models
On this page you can search for card models, using any combination of their properties (i. e. all fields of the database). You may enter incomplete search words (i. e. a part of the word you look for). You may enter as many search terms as you like; if you enter multiple terms, the search will only look for models that fulfill ALL criteria (AND dependency). Note: If you enter too many terms, you risk not finding anything at all. Here are some example for possible search terms; you might look for models:
- whose name contains “castle”,
- were published by a publisher located in “essling”,
- and were designed by someone whose name conatains “mund”.
The search term must have at least 2 characters and no more than 20. Capitalization will be ignored for the search. Note that the search options described are only for for AGK members. Only members have these refined search options:
Search for any part of a word at any position
The term will be searched for exactly as entered, but in any part of any word.
Search for partial terms at the beginning or end of a word
The term will be searched for exactly as entered at the beginning or end of any word.
Exact term
Search for database entries that are exactly identical to a search term.
Fuzzy Search
The search will look for terms that are similar to the term entered (i. e. trying to ignore spelling mistakes). This is useful if you do not know the exact spelling or if the word contains characters you cannot type. You can choose between 3 different scopes of similarity. This search only works if the search term and the word you look for have a similar length, otherwise the number of possible combinations would be overwhelming and impossible to handle and no result can be displayed.
The results will be shown as a list of models. You can step back from the list to the search form and change the search mode and terms.