Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Help for entering events

You must enter the name of the event, the type of event, the venue or site, the location (e. g. town) and the start date. These are mandatory fields.

Please enter all dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY (2 digits for day and month, 4 digits for the year) and all times in the format HH/mm (2 digits each for hour and minute). You must provide a valid valu for all 3 (resp. 2) fields, otherwise the data will not be accepted and the event will not be saved.


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Home page and card model database of the AGK
Copyright © AGK & Heiko Schinke, 2006-2024 === Version 11.8 of 2024-08-23
In case of problems with this website please contact Heiko Schinke (
or phone him at +49-341-9959-692 (office) or +49-3461-4415494 (home)

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