Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Overview of AGK database functions

On this page you find a list of database functions. This is not a complete list. Most of these functions are only available for AGK members who are logged in.

  • You can display lists of card models generated by category, year of publication, designer, publisher, scale and title of model series. For scale and date you can enter either an exact value or a range of values (from-to).
  • For models, publishers and designers you have the option to use an exact search (i. e. the search term is used exactly as entered, but ignoring capitalization) or a fuzzy search (which means that similar terms are also found – very useful if you do not know the exact spelling or if the database entry is misspelt).
  • You can also filter for models that have been added or changed recently.
  • A dictionary in 8 languages is available; it lists terms that appear often in model titles..
  • There are about 50 data items that can be entered for every model. Beside the basic items like publisher, designer, scale and year of publication you can also have, among other things, several versions of the title, publisher order number, model series, printing process used, sheet format, packaging, characteristics of the model or the original and images. You can also add a location for the model (e. g. museum, including the catalog number).
  • You can build your own virtual collection by marking models you own, including the model designation in your private catalog and comments.
  • From each model entry you can search for models with similar titles.
  • You can compare the found models (or indeed any models) by showing their characteristics in a table format.
  • Additional print runs, reprints etc. are linked to the original models which makes it possible to quickly establish a historical “chain” of issues.
  • From each model entry you can jump to display the information about its designer and publisher.
  • You can also generate alist of other models by the same designer or publisher.
  • Similarly, for each publisher you can generate lists that show their models by category, models published in a specific year or by a specific designer.
  • Similar functions exist for designers: You can show their models by category, by year or by publisher.



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Home page and card model database of the AGK
Copyright © AGK & Heiko Schinke, 2006-2024 === Version 11.8 of 2024-08-23
In case of problems with this website please contact Heiko Schinke (
or phone him at +49-341-9959-692 (office) or +49-3461-4415494 (home)

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