Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Exhibition Papierwelten - Kartonmodellbau gestern und heute

Exhibition poster
Exhibition poster Witten 2020
Exhibition information

17 May 2020 - 22 December 2020 (extended until Christmas)
Papierwelten - Kartonmodellbau gestern und heute (paper worlds – card modeling in past and present)
Exhibition at the LWL-Industriemuseum in Witten

Location and contact:
LWL-Industriemuseum Zeche Nachtigall
Nachtigallstraße 35
58452 Witten
Phone +49 2302 936640

Opening times:
Tuesday to Sunday plus public holidays 10 to 18 h
(please see the web site of Zeche Nachtigall for the latest information)

Please note:
At this time there are no guided tours and no special events. Each visitor must bring his own protective face mask as the counter-pandemic requirements apply to the complete museum area.

The venue: “Zeche Nachtigall” (“Nightingale” colliery)
Aerial photo of Zeche Nachtigall
About the exhibition

In the spring of 2020 many events have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, both the “INTERMODELLBAU” fair in Dortmund and the “Internationales Kartonmodellbauertreffen” meeting in Mannheim could not take place. Regional events, too, were affected by the anti-pandemic regulations and were called off. The more we welcome the news that the recent easing of regulations makes it possible, after all, to hold an event related to card modeling. It is true that the size had to be reduced and that the related program had to be largely cut, but it still is good news.

The exhibition “Papierwelten - Kartonmodellbau gestern und heute” (paper worlds – card modeling in past and present) will be open from 17 May to 22 Dec 2020 (extended until Christmas) at the LWL-Industriemuseum in Witten, at the “Zeche Nachtigall” location.

Axel Huppers has already contacted the museum management in 2012. The managing director of this location, Dr. Michael Peters, supported the idea of holding a card-modeling exhibition. He himself has his own experiences with this topic: As a trainee he was involved (in 1991) in the publication of the model “Motor cargo ship Franz-Christian” by Hartmut Scholz of the “Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg” location of the LWL-Industriemuseum. He also participated in the “Internationales Kartonmodellbauertreffen” in Bremerhaven. Beginning in January 2019 the team, supported by modeler friends from the region, began to make concrete plans what an exhibition in Witten could look like.

Originally they also planned a supporting program of presentations and workshops. Of course, this can no longer be offered due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which means that the related invitations could also not be sent even if they had been carefully designed and ready for print. Instead, Hans Loh has designed a card model of the exhibition venue, the Zeche Nachtigall. To be precise, it shows (in a rather simplified form) the “Hercules” mine shaft buildings of the “Zeche Vereinigte Nachtigall Tiefbau” colliery as it looked in 1840 – exactly the buildings that today are the home of the LWL-Industriemuseum in Witten. Visitors of the exhibition can get the printed model sheet for free during their visit, as long as the supply lasts. AGK members will be able to download a PDF file of the model in the member’s area of the AGK website. Our thanks go to Hans Loh for giving us the permission to offer this download!

Please note that there will be no guided tours or special events, and there will also be no official opening ceremony. Also, each visitor must bring his own protective face mask as the counter-pandemic requirements apply to the complete museum area, indoor and outdoor.

Abbildungsnachweis: , Hans Loh (Modellbogen), LWL (Flyer und Poster), LWL/Gehrmann (alle anderen)

Images on this page: Axel Huppers (pictures from the exhibition 1 - 9), Hans Loh (model sheet), LWL (flyer and poster), LWL/Gehrmann (all other)

Exhibition brochure
Folding brochure (preview) for the 2020 exhibition at Witten

Download brochure
(PDF file, 9 MB)
Model sheet by Hans Loh (detail)
Model sheet by Hans Loh (Zeche Nachtigall, detail)
Information about the model:
Design: Hans Loh, 2019
1 sheet A4, 18 parts, approx. 8 x 7 x 8 cm, difficulty: simple
Zeche Nachtigall - built model
Zeche Nachtigall - built model
You can get the model here:
printed: at the exhibition
PDF download (AGK members only, in the member’s area of the AGK website)

Impressions from the exhibition

To see the images as a slide show Javascript must be enabled; alternatively you can see each picture individually by clicking it. Move through the slide show with the arrows at the left and right margin, close it by clicking “X”.


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