Title: Linienschiff (battleship, JFS 768)
Publisher: J.F.Schreiber-Verlag, Esslingen, 1915?
Scale: none
Sheet size: 1 model sheet 37 x 44 cm
Model size: 37 cm (if printed on A3)
Information about the reconstruction and printing
- The only available scans of the original model sheets have a size of just 2000 x 1546 pixels. This is too small for a decent reproduction.
- Therefore Mr. Holzinger has reconstructed the model sheet and improved it; see the details below. The new image files have a size of 4960 x 3508 pixels, which is enough to print it on DIN/ISO A3 paper with a resolution of about 300 dpi.
- For best results you should print the model sheet on thin cardboard of 160 to 220 g/cm2.
Download original sheet PNG, 8,6 MB
Download sheet 1 (PNG, 12,8 MB)
Download sheet 2 (PNG, 11,5 MB)
Download sheet 2a PNG, 11.7 MB
Download sheet 3 (PNG, 5,4 MB)