Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

'Villa Blumenthal' near Bad Ischl

Information about the model

Year: 2005
Price: 17,90 EUR
Publisher: Scheuer & Strüver
Author/Designer: Hubert Siegmund
Scale: 1:87 (H0)
Sheets: 3
Size: 310 x 430 mm

Order information
This sheet is available in a few copies only for EUR 7.90 (plus shipping and handling, please ask) directly at the AGK. Please send an email to for ordering information.

Picture laser-cut addons (enlarged)

The four elements of the tower railing and the weathervane with weathercock were laser-cut additional parts for this modell.
The original size of the parts can be seen on the lower sheet illustrations (sheet 1 below right the weather vane, sheet 3 below the tower railing).
These parts are no longer available.

Card model from the legal estate of Hubert Siegmund. The "Villa Blumenthal" near Bad Ischl was the summer house of Oskar Blumenthal, the librettist of the musical comedy "Im Weissen Rössl" ('In the White Horse' inn). This card model was published on the occasion of the exhibition "Hubert Siegmund – Meister des Kartons, Modellkonstrukteur für den Verlag J. F. Schreiber" ('Hubert Siegmund – Champion of cardboard, senior designer for the publisher J.F. Schreiber') in the town museum Esslingen. Hubert Siegmund hatte diesen Bogen noch vollständig konstruiert, allerdings nicht koloriert. Dieter Nievergelt vom AGK hat sich dieser Aufgabe unterzogen und dadurch die Herausgabe dieses schönen Modells ermöglicht.

Picture of the model
Real Villa Blumenthal
Part of sheet 1
Ausschnitt Bogen 1
Part of sheet 3
Ausschnitt Bogen 3


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