Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Download selected historical models

Information about the downloads

From this page you can download selected historical card model sheets that are presented in the book "Von der zweiten in die dritte Dimension - 500 Jahre Bauen mit Karton". This enables our readers to print the model sheets and build the models themselves. The scans are of varying size and quality and are provided for download unedited, i. e. just as they have been scanned.
We cannot provide information about the quality of the models, in particular whether they can be built correctly. We invite you to try and build them and send us one or two photos of the built models by e-mail; we will then publish the photos on this page. It would also be nice if you could provide a short building report so others can learn about your experiences with the models.
You can click each image to see a larger preview. To download the model sheets please use the "Download" button.

Additional information
9 [after 1888: 36] Relais Russe [russian roadhouse]
Lithograph, stencil-colored in 5 colors
1 sheet 38.4 × 48 cm
Pellerin, F-Epinal 1873

Download (TIFF file 3500 × 2676 pixels, 27,5 MB)

Download (JPG file 3500 × 2676 pixels, 5,6 MB)
2 Schweizer Dorfkirche [Swiss village church]
Designer: David Martin Kanning
Pen-and-ink chalk lithograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 36,7 × 44,5 cm
Original model by D. M. Kanning, D-Hamburg 1866
New edition by J. F. Richter, D-Hamburg 1878

Download (TIFF file 5326 × 4342 pixels, 67,8 MB)

Download (JPG file 5326 × 4342 pixels, 20 MB)
1226 Bourgade [small market town]
Zincograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 23 × 30 cm
Pellerin, F-Epinal after 1888

Download (TIF file 3365 × 2582 pixels, 15,8 MB)

Download (JPG file 3365 × 2582 pixels, 5 MB)
272 [before 1888: 117] Exposition Universelle: Palais autrichien
[world exhibition Paris 1878: pavilion of Austria]
Lithograph, stencil-colored in 7 colors
1 sheet 38,5 × 48,5 cm
Imagerie d‘ Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal 1878

Download (TIFF file 3320 × 2664 pixels, 15,6 MB)

Download (JPG file 3320 × 2664 pixels, 4,7 MB)
Model by: Helmut Dully
121 [from 1888: Pellerin 510] Chemin de Fer [railroad train]
Lithograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 39 × 49 cm
Olivier & Pinot, F-Epinal between 1880 and 1888
New edition: Imagerie d‘Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal after 1888

Download (TIF file 3888 × 3042 pixels, 34,7 MB)

Download (JPG file 3888 × 3042 pixels, 9 MB)
912 Voiture de Tramway [tramcar]
Zincograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 30 × 40 cm
Imagerie d‘Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal 1910

Download (TIF file 2644 × 1956 pixels, 10,8 MB)

Download (JPG file 2644 × 1956 pixels, 3,5 MB)
Construction/photo: Konrad Hirsch
Construction time: approx. 29 hours
Scale: approx. 1:55
384 Voiture-Tonneau Automobile ["Tonneau" car]
Zincograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 39 × 49 cm
Imagerie d‘Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal 1904
The model was designed after the original "Tonneau" automobile that was built by G. Barré in F-Niort.

Download (TIF file 3346 × 2658 pixels, 14,7 MB)

Download (JPG file 3346 × 2658 pixels, 5,6 MB)
872 [before 1888: 61] (Marine Française) Le Requin, Bateau Torpilleur
[(French navy) torpedo boat Le Requin (= the shark)]
Moyennes Constructions
Zincograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 29,3 × 39,5 cm
Imagerie d‘Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal 1910

Download (TIF file 2605 × 1942 pixels, 9,5 MB)

Download (JPG file 2605 × 1942 pixels, 3,2 MB)
1375 Aéroplane monoplan avec lequel Blériot traversa la Manche
[the monoplane with which Blériot crossed the English Channel]
Zincograph, black, stencil-colored in 6 colors
1 sheet 23 × 30 cm
Pellerin, F-Epinal 1910

Download (TIF file 3427 × 2630 pixels, 19,9 MB)

Download (JPG file 3427 × 2630 pixels, 6,7 MB)
251 Aéroplane (Monoplan) [monoplane]
Petites Constructions
Zincograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 23 × 31 cm
Imageries Réunies Jarville-Nancy
F-Nancy about 1920
New edition (1st edition: 1910)

Download (TIF file 3468 × 2596 pixels, 2,8 MB)

Download (JPG file 3468 × 2596 pixels, 4,7 MB)
1380 Aéroplane-Biplan des Frères Voisin
[biplane made by the Voison brothers]
Petites Constructions
1 sheet 23 × 30 cm
Imagerie d‘Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal 1910

Download (TIF file 3359 × 2608 pixels, 13,9 MB)

Download (JPG file 3359 × 2608 pixels, 4,6 MB)
3 [nach 1888 547] Forge [forge/hammer mill]
Lithograph, stencil-colored
1 sheet 40 × 30 cm
Imagerie d‘Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal 1862

Download (TIF file 3207 × 2321 pixels, 15,9 MB)

Download (JPG file 3207 × 2321 pixels, 5,1 MB)
Construction: Walter Ruffler
514 Les Musiciens [the musiciens]
Grandes Constructions Mécanisme
1 sheet 38,5 × 49 cm
Imagerie d‘Epinal Pellerin, F-Epinal after 1888
New edition of model sheet No. 128 of that company
Olivier & Pinot, F-Epinal 1881

Download (TIF file 3362 × 2628 pixels, 18,9 MB)

Download (JPG file 3362 × 2628 pixels, 6,7 MB)
Construction and Video: Bettina Schack


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