Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

All links given in the book

Links given in the book

As a service to our readers here is a list of all web links (URLs) from the book "Von der Zweiten in die Dritte Dimenion - 500 Jahre Bauen mit Karton" (Aue-Verlag, 2015). All links were online at the time of the  editorial deadline in July 2015. The URLs are listed in page order. Accordingly, a URL that appears on several pages ist listed several times here.

Additional information
Page Where on page, Link Description
4 External link 3rd paragraph Deutsche Nationalbibliografie der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
4 last-but-one paragraph Website of the "Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V."
4 External link last-but-one paragraph Aue-Verlag Stuttgart (publisher)
4 last paragraph Homepage of the book project "Von der Zweiten in die Dritte Dimension" of the AGK e.V.
15 Remark 32 Annual magazine "Zur Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus" of the AGK e.V.
62 Remark 95 Download page for model "Kronprinzession Cecilie" on the website of the AGK e.V.
63 External link Remark 133 Fiddlers Green (Paper models)
64 External link Remark 160 Fiddlers Green (Homepage)
105 External link top right Hans-Dieter Richter - Bastelbogen Online
119 External link top right Martin Hegemann - Papierautos (paper cars)
128 Remark 20 Website of the "Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V."
128 External link Remark 26 Canon Papercraft
128 External link Remark 26 Yamaha Papercraft
141 Remark 6 Website of the "Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V."
188 bottom left Start page of the card model database of the AGK e.V.
189 External link center left Start page of the "Internationales Kartonmodellbautreffen Bremerhaven"
215 External link Remark 58 Société de la Pharmacie
215 External link Remark 59 Ullman publishing
215 External link Remark 63 Paperpino - Paperautomata
216 External link Remark 81 Bärenpresse-Verlag
216 External link Remark 82 Walter Ruffler Papiermaschinen
216 External link Remark 83 Verlag Edition 8x8
216 External link Remark 87 CLOHE - Spielzeug im Klassenraum (classroom toys)
216 External link Remark 88 Cabaret - Mechanical Theatre
216 External link Remark 89 Optical Toys
216 External link Remark 91 Keith Newstead Automata
216 External link Remark 92 Modelshop - DIY Creative Models
216 External link Remark 93 Tarquin-Verlag
216 External link Remark 94 Flying Pig - Paper Animation Kits
216 External link Remark 95 Cool4cats - Amazing card kits
216 External link Remark 96 Paper Engineer's Workshop
216 External link Remark 99 Henry Anson Hart - Animated Cut-uts
216 External link Remark 100 Verlag Barnacle press
216 External link Remark 101 The strong - National museum of play
216 External link Remark 102 Eclectibles - Ephemera aus Papier
216 External link Remark 103 Dug North - The automata blog
216 External link Remark 104 World upside down - Mechanical cards and Automata
226 External link Remark 4 Urheberrechtsgesetz (UrhG) (German copyright law)
230 External link Remark 14 Kunstdame - Blog
236 Remark 11 Download page for model "Murmelbahnschlange" of the AGK e.V.
291 top left Start page of the card model database of the AGK e.V.
292 External link Verlag Angraf Website Verlage Angraf / Answer (Polen)
298 External link Verlag DragosModels Website Verlag Dragos Models (Rumänien)
298 Verlag Ediciones Alcan Website of the "Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V."
299 External link Verlag Fiddlers's Green Website Verlag Fiddler's Green (USA)
302 External link Verlag Martin Hegemann Martin Hegemann - Papierautos
318 External link Verlag Roman Seißler Roman Seißler - Sero-Papermodels
325 External link Das Modellbahnheft [1] Deutsche Bahn - Bahnshop
330 External link Walter Ruffler Walter Ruffler - Papiermechanik
331 rcenter right Start page of the card model database of the AGK e.V.
333 left, end of 1st paragraph Website of the "Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V."
333 lieft, 2nd paragraph Start page of the card model database of the AGK e.V.
333 top right Website of the "Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V."
333 center right Overview of the publications of the AGK e.V.
333 bottom right Become a member in the AGK e.V.


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