Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

BMW M3 Evolution - racing version 1990


More information about this model (Axel Huppers)

The original model was produced in 1990 by Verlag J.F. Schreiber under a contract of BMW. The designer was Hartmut Scholz. The model sheets were attached to the bilingual 24-page exhibition booklet "Sternstunden – Höhepunkte des BMW Motorsports" (magic moments – highlights of BMW motor sports). Three of the original sheets had printed backs with instruction drawings and additional markings for frames and reinforcements. Please decide for yourself whether you want to print this information on the backs of the model sheets. The PDF templates have been designed to enable fitting double-sided printing. Please take care to print the sheets at 100% scale (“original size”) if you want to print the backs.
The "Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V."" wants to thank all involved parties and companies for their consent to re-publish the model in the original form, including all the advertisments on the car.
A special thank goes to the designer Hartmut Scholz and to Mr Gauger of Aue-Verlags GmbH, both of whom approved the re-publication.

Model sheets

Information and Download

Title: BMW M3 Evolution - Rennversion 1990
Original publisher: Verlag J.F. Schreiber, on behalf of BMW
Designer: Hartmut Scholz
Scale: 1:24
Original printing process: Offset
Sheet size: 4 sheets 20.5 x 20.5 cm (with printed back), as an attachment to the exhibition booklet "Sternstunden – Höhepunkte des BMW Motorsports" (magic moments – highlights of BMW motor sports)
Download content: 5 sheets A4, 4 of them are the actual model sheets (with the option to print the backs)
Number of parts: 84
Model length: approx. 18.3 cm

Model built and photographed by Axel Huppers

Download this model

Download the model (PDF, 15 MB)

Replacement parts 22a and 28 (Jens Neuhaus)

Parts 22a and 28 both have small errors. The modeler Jens Neuhaus has published corrections and was kind enough to allow us to make them available here: For part 22a the lower half of the Warsteiner label has been added, and the clipping of the DEKRA is shifted a bit to the left. For part 28 the blue trim line has been added, so that the line now runs all the way to the bottom of the car body. The AGK is grateful for the corrections and for the permission to post them here. The printer settings are the same as for the original sheets.

Download Korrekturteile (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Additional information (Hartmut Scholz)
How this model came into being: The BMW motor sports department contacted the former Schreiber-Verlag, Esslingen, and comissioned a promotional model. This model was delivered exclusively to BMW, it never appeared in the Schreiber catalogue; this was the normal procedure and is still handled that way by Schreiber's successor, the Aue-Verlag. At the time I was a freelance designer for Schreiber and had already designed a few vehicle designs, therefore I was asked to take care of this model as well.
Hints about design and construction: This model was designed at a physical drawing board because at the time I had neither a PC nor the necessary knowledge about digital design. Afterwards, the colouring and arrangement was done by the repro department. Which is to say that I had the contour line drawing and some templates for the advertisements and inscriptions, and the repro staff had to take care of the rest. Such kind of work sometimes caused immense cost, but in this case it was no problem because we had a well-to-do customer to foot the bill. I personally would have liked to add some interior trim to the model, but that was not what the customer had ordered. It was a special challenge to fit all the parts to the square and very tight sheets.
Construction hints: This a medium-difficulty model. I recommend to draw alignment lines to the back of the main body parts for the placement of the two interior frames. This helps to construct the model without adding unwanted torsion.


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