Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

In die nächste Dimension – Photos of finished models

Built models

These models have been built specifically for the exhibition “In die nächste Dimension! Kartonmodelle aus Neuruppin” at the Museum Neuruppin (autumn of 2018). For legal reasons we are not able to provide you with downloads of the corresponding model sheets. However, we think that the built models are fascinating enough in their own right, so we wanted to provide at least some photos.

To see an enlarged view of the models please click an preview image. To step through the model images use the arrows overlaid to the left and right margins, to close the excerpt click the “X”.

The model photos have been provided by Dieter Nievergelt and kienzle/oberhammer.

Additional information
Model 1373 Eine Mode-Waaren-Handlung (fashion shop)
F. W. Bergemann, 1860

Model built by Dieter Nievergelt

Model 3270 Windmühle (windmill)
Oehmigke & Riemschneider, 1858/59

Model built by Dieter Nievergelt

Model 3277 Bauernhaus
Oehmigke & Riemschneider, 1858/59

Model built by Hans-Ulrich Pollack

Model 5940 Brandenburger Thor in Berlin (Brandenburg gate)
Oehmigke & Riemschneider, about 1875

Model built by Lutz Pietschker

(no number) Wartburg
Gustav Kühn, 1883

Model built by Norbert Herms

Model 3413/3414/3415 Schloß Osborne auf der Insel Wight (Osborne palace)
Oehmigke & Riemschneider, 1859

Queen Victoria’s summer residence

Model built by Norbert Herms


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